Moreira M. , Staudacher Th. , Sarda Ph. , Schilling J.G. et Allègre C.J.: A primitive plume neon component in MORB: the Shona ridge-anomaly, South Atlantic, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 133 367-377, 1995.
Allègre C.J., Moreira M. et Staudacher Th., 4He/3He dispersion and mantle convection Geophysical Research letters, 22, 2325-2328, 1995.
Moreira M., Valbracht P.J., Staudacher Th. and Allègre C.J. , Rare gas systematics in Red Sea ridge basalts. Geophys. Res. Lett, 23, 2453-2456, 1996.
Moreira M. et Allègre C.J. , He-Ne systematics and the structure of the mantle, Chemical Geology, Vol 147, 53-59; 1998.
Moreira M., Kunz J. et Allègre C.J., Rare gas systematics on popping rock: estimates of isotopic and elemental compositions in the upper mantle, Science vol 279, 1178-1181, 1998.
Sarda P., Moreira M. and Staudacher T., Argon – lead isotopic correlation in Mid Atlantic Ridge basalts, Science 283, 266-268, 1999.
Moreira M., Doucelance R., Dupré B. M. Kurz et Allègre C.J., Helium and lead isotope geochemistry in the Azores Archipelago, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 169, 189-205, 1999.
Sarda P., Moreira M. and Staudacher T., Origin of Argon-Lead Isotopic Correlation in Basalts, technical comment, Science, 286, 871a, 1999
Sarda P., Moreira M., Staudacher T., Schilling J-G et Allègre C.J., Rare gas systematics on the southernmost Mid-Atlantic ridge: Constraints on the lower mantle and the Dupal source, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 5973-5996, 2000.
Moreira, M., et Sarda, P., Noble gas constraints on degassing processes: Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 176, p. 375-386, 2000.
M. Moreira, CK. Breddam, J. Curtice et M. Kurz, Solar neon in the Icelandic mantle: evidence for an undegassed lower mantle, Earth Planet. sci. Lett, 185, 15-23, 2001.
M. Moreira et M. D. Kurz, Subducted oceanic lithosphere and the origin of the «High µ» basalt helium isotopic signature, Earth Planet. sci. Lett, 189, 49-57, 2001.
P. Sarda et M. Moreira, Vesiculation and vesicle loss in normal Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: He, Ne, Ar elemental fractionation, Geoch. Cosmoch. acta, 66, 1449-1458, 2002.
M. Moreira et C.J. Allègre Rare gas systematics on Mid Atlantic Ridge (37-40°N), Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 198, 401-416, 2002.
C. Gautheron* et M. Moreira, Helium signature of the subcontinental mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 199, 39-47, 2002.
C. Gautheron* et M. Moreira, Re-interpretation of the existence of a primitive plume under the Australia by neon isotope fractionation during step heating, Terra Nova, 15, 36-39 2003.
R. Doucelance, S. Escrig, M. Moreira, C. Gariépy, M.D. Kurz et C.J. Allègre, Pb-Sr-He isotope and trace element geochemistry of the Cape Verde Archipelago, Geoch. Cosmoch. acta, 67, 3717-3733, 2003
Moreira M., J. Blusztajn, J. Curtice, S. Hart, H. Dick and M. D Kurz, He and Ne isotopes in oceanic crust: implications for noble gas recycling in the mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 216, 635-643, 2003.
Allègre, C.J. and M. Moreira, Rare gas systematics and the origin of oceanic islands: the key role of entrainment at the 670 km boundary layer, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett ,228 , 85-92, 2004
Moreira M. and C.J. Allègre, Helium isotopes on the Macdonald seamount (Austral chain): constraints on the origin of the superswell, Geoscience, 336, 983-990, 2004
M. D. Kurz, M. Moreira, J. Curtice, D. E. Lott, J. J. Mahoney and J. M. Sinton, Correlated helium and neon isotopes on the super-fast spreading East Pacific Rise near 17°, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett , 232, 125-142, 2005
P. Madureira, M. Moreira, J. Mata, C.J. Allègre, primitive helium and neon isotopes in Terceira island (Azores archipelago), Earth Planet. Sci. Lett , 233, 429-440, 2005
C. Gautheron*, M. Moreira, C.J. Allègre, He, Ne and Ar composition of the European lithospheric mantle, chemical geology , 217, 97-112, 2005
M. Moreira and P. Madureira, Cosmogenic helium and neon in 11My old ultramafic xenoliths: consequences for mantle signatures in old samples,G3, vol6 N°8, 18 august 2005.
S. Escrig, R. Doucelance, M. Moreira and C.J. Allègre, Os isotope systematics in Fogo island : evidence for lower continental crust fragments under the Cape Verde Southern islands, Chemical Geology, 219, 93-113, 2005
C. Gautheron*, P. Cartigny, M. Moreira, J.. W. Harris and C. J. Allegre, Evidence for a mantle component shown by rare gases, C and N-isotopes in polycrystalline diamonds from Orapa (Botswana), Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 240, 559-572, 2006
S. Doucet$, M. Moreira, D. Weis, J. S. Scoates, A. Giret and C. Allegre, Primitive Neon and Helium Isotopic Composition of Kerguelen Basalts as evidences for a low 4He/3He Kerguelen Hotspot, Earth Planet. Sci. Letters 241, 65-79, 2006
C. Gautheron*, P. Cartigny, M. Moreira, J.W. Harris and C.J. Allègre, Reply to: “Recycled” volatiles in mantle derived diamonds -Evidence from nitrogen and noble gas isotopic data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 252, 220-222, 2006
M. Moreira, Constraints on the origin of the 129Xe on Earth using the tellurium double beta decay, Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 264, 114-122, 2007
M. Moreira and A. Raquin, The origin of rare gases on Earth: the noble gas « subduction » barrier revisited, Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 339, 937-945, 2007
M. Moreira, L. Dosso and H. Ondréas, Helium isotopes on the Pacific-Antarctic ridge (52.5-41.5°S), Vol 35 Geophysical Research letters, L10306, 2008
Raquin A. * , Moreira, M. and Guillon, F.. He, Ne and Ar systematics in single vesicles: Mantle isotopic ratios and origin of the air component in basaltic glasses. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 274: 142-150, 2008
Gillmann C., P. Lognonné, E. Chassefière, M. Moreira The present-day atmosphere of Mars: Where does it come from? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 277, Issues 3-4, 30 January 2009, Pages 384-393
Marty B. et al., Kronos: exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing through an international mission, Exp Astron, 23:947–976, 2009
Raquin A. * and M. Moreira, Atmospheric 38Ar/36Ar in the mantle: implications for the nature of the terrestrial parent bodies, 287, Issues 3-4, 15 October 2009, Pages 551-558, EPSL
Kurz M., J. Curtice, D. Fornari, D. Geist and M. Moreira ; Primitive neon from the Galapagos hotspot, EPSL, 286, 23-34, 2009
Mourão* C., J. Mata, R. Doucelance , J. Madeira, A. Brum da Silveira; L. C. Silva & M. Moreira, Quaternary extrusive calciocarbonatite volcanism on Brava Island (Cape Verde): A nephelinite-carbonatite immiscibility product, South African Journal of Geology, Volume 56, Issues 2-3, Pages 59-74, 2010
M. Javoy, E. Kaminski, F. Guyot, D. Andrault, C. Sanloup, M. Moreira, S. Labrosse, A. Jambon, P. Agrinier, A. Davaille, C. Jaupart, The chemical composition of the Earth: Enstatite chondrite models, EPSL, Volume 293, Issues 3-4, 1 May 2010, Pages 259-268
J. Mata; M. Moreira; R. Doucelance; M. Ader; L. C Silva, Noble gases and carbon isotopic signatures of Cape Verde oceanic carbonatites: implications fo carbon provenance, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 291, Issues 1-4, 1 March 2010, Pages 70-83.
L. Ruzié* and M. Moreira, Magma Degassing Process during Plinian Eruptions, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 192 (2010) 142–150
F. Nauret$,Moreira M., Snow J.E, Rare gases in lavas from the ultra-slow spreading ridge Lena Trough, Arctic Ocean, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11, Q0AC04, doi:10.1029/2010GC003027 (2010).
R. Doucelance, T. Hammouda, M. Moreira, J. C. Martins, Geochemical constraints on depth of origin of oceanic carbonatites: The Cape Verde case, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 7261-7282, 2010.
M. Moreira, J. Escartin, E. Gayer, C. Hamelin, A. Bezos, F. Guillon and M. Cannat, Rare gas systematics on Lucky Strike basalts (37°N, North Atlantic): evidence for efficient homogenization in a long-lived magma chamber system? Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L08304, doi:10.1029/2011GL046794.
N. Coltice, M. Moreira, J. Hernlund, S. Labrosse, Helium and Neon in mantle plumes record the crystallization of a basal magma océan EPSL, 308, 193-199, 2011.
S. Charnoz, L. Fouchet, J. Aleon ,M. Moreira, A lagrangian code for the 3D transport of solids in a turbulent protoplanetary disk: method and first applications, ApJ, 737, 2011.
Gillmann C., P. Lognonné, M. Moreira, Volatiles in the atmosphere of Mars: The effects of volcanism and escape constrained by isotopic data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 303 (2011) 299–309.
Mourão* C.; M. Moreira; J. Mata; A. Raquin; J. Madeira, Primary and secondary processes constraining the noble gas isotopic signatures of carbonatites and silicate rocks from Brava Island : evidence for a lower mantle origin of the Cape Verde plume, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 163, 995–1009, 2012
Mourão* C.; J. Mata, R. Doucelance ; J. Madeira ; M-A Millet and M. Moreira ; Geochemical temporal evolution of Brava Island magmatism: Constraints on the variability of Cape Verde mantle sources and on carbonatite–silicate magma linkn Chemical Geology, 334, 44-61 (2012).
L. Ruzié*, M. Moreira, O. Crispi, Noble gas isotopes in hydrothermal volcanic fluids of La Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles arc, Chemical Geology 304-305 (2012) 158–165
M. Moreira, A. Kanzari, P. Madureira , Helium and neon isotopes in the Nordest volcanic zone, Sao Miguel island, Azores, Chemical Geology, 322–323 (2012) 91–98.
L. Ruzié*, C. Aubaud , M. Moreira , P. Agrinier , C. Dessert, C. Gréau and O. Crispi, Carbon and helium isotopes in thermal springs of La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles): implications for volcanological monitoring, Chemical Geology, Volume 359, Pages 70-80, 2013
N. Metrich, V. Zanon, L. Creon, A. Hildenbrand, M. Moreira and F. Marques, Is the ‘Azores Hotspot’ a Wetspot? Insights from the Geochemistry of Fluid and Melt Inclusions in Olivine of Pico Basalts, J. Petrology , 55 (2): 377-393, 2014
P. Madureira, M. Moreira, J. Nunes, N. Lourenço, C. Gautheron, R. Carvalho, J. Mata, M. Pinto de Abreu, Helium isotope systematics in the vicinity of the Azores Triple Junction: constraints on the Azores geodynamics, Chemical Geology, Volume 372, Pages 62-71, 2014.
F. Girault, F. Perrier, R. Crockett, M. Bhattarai, B. Prasad Koirala, C. France-Lanord, P. Agrinier, M. Ader, F. Fluteau, C. Gréau and M. Moreira, The Syabru-Bensi hydrothermal system in Central Nepal Part I – Characterization of carbon dioxide and radon fluxes, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), Vol. 119, Issue 5, pp. 4056-4089 , 2014. J.
Labidi, P. Cartigny, C.Hamelin, M.Moreira, L.Dosso, Sulfur isotope budget (32S, 33S, 34S and 36S) in Pacific-Antarctic ridge basalts: A record of mantle source heterogeneity and hydrothermal sulfide assimilation Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 133, 47–67. 2014
B. Mougel*, M. Moreira and A. Agranier, A « high 4He/3He” mantle material detected under the East Pacific Rise (15°4’N), GRL, Volume 42, Issue 5, 1375–1383, 2015.
R. Camilli, P. Nomikou , J. Escartin , P. Ridao , A. Mallios , S. Kilias , A. Argyraki , M. Andreani , V. Ballu , R. Campos , C. Deplus , T. Gabsi , R. Garcia , N. Gracias , N. Hurtos , L. Magi , C. Mevel , M. Moreira , N. Palomeras , O. Pot , D. Ribas , L. Ruzie , D. Sakellariou The Kallisti Limnes, carbon dioxide-accumulating subsea pools, accepted , Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 12152. 2015
Colin A.$, M. Moreira, C. Gautheron and P. Burnard, Constraint on the noble gas composition of the Icelandic plume source from bubble by bubble analyses, Chemical Geology, 417, 173-183, 2015
Gautheron, C., M. Moreira, C. Gerin, L. Tassa,-Got, A. Bezos, and E. Humler, Helium isotope systematics in the southwest Indian Ocean: constraints on the DUPAL anomaly, Chemical geology, 417, 163-172, 2015.
Moreira M. and S. Charnoz, The origin of the neon isotopes in chondrites and Earth, EPSL, 433, 249-256, 2016
Chavrit$, D., M. Moreira and F. Moynier (2016). « Extraterrestrial He and Ne systematics in marine sediments. » Earth and Planetary Science Letters 436: 10-18.
Péron*, S., M. Moreira , A. Colin, L. Arbaret, N. Putlitz and M. D. Kurz (2016). « Neon isotopic composition of the mantle constrained by single vesicle analyses. » Earth and Planetary Science Letters 449: 145–154.
Madureira, P. C. Rosa; A.F. Marques; P. Silva; M. Moreira; C. Hamelin; J. Relvas; N. Lourenço; P. Conceição; M. Pinto de Abreu; F. Barriga (2017), The 1998-2001 submarine lava balloon eruption at the Serreta Ridge (Azores archipelago): constraints from volcanic facies architecture, isotope geochemistry and magnetic data, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 329, 13–29.
Jaupart*, E., S. Charnoz and M. Moreira (2017). « Primordial atmosphere incorporation in planetary embryos and the origin of terrestrial Neon. » Icarus 293: 199-205. (E. Jaupart était en stage de L3 avec S. Charnoz et M. Moreira)
Peron*, S., M. Moreira, B. Putlitz and M. D. Kurz (2017). « Solar wind implantation supplied light volatiles during the first stage of Earth accretion. » Geochemical perspective letters 3: doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1718.
Rose-Koga, E., K. Koga, M. Moreira, I. Vlatsletic, M. Jackson, M. Whiteouse, N. Shimizu and N. Habib (2017). « Geochemical systematics of Pb isotopes, fluorine, and sulfur in melt inclusions from São Miguel, Azores. » chemical geology 458: 22-37.
Girault, F., F. Perrier, M. Moreira, B. Zanda, P. Rochette and Y. Teiltler (2017). « Effective radium-226 concentration in meteorites. » geochimica cosmochimica acta 208: 198-219.
Mata, J., S. Martins, N. Mattiellli, J. Madeira, B. Faria, R. S. Ramalho, M. Silva, M. Moreira, R. Caldeira, M. Moreira, J. Rodrigues and L. Martins (2017). « The 2014-15 eruption and the short-term geochemical evolution of the Fogo volcano (Cape Verde): evidence for small-scale mantle heterogeneity. » Lithos 288-289: 91-107.
Moreira , M., Rouchon, V., Muller, E. and Noirez, S. (2017) The xenon isotopic signature of the mantle beneath Massif Central. Geochemical Perspective Letters 6, 28–32.
Roubinet*, C., M. Moreira (2018), Atmospheric noble gases in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: Identification of atmospheric contamination processes, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 222, 253-268.
Péron*, S., M. Moreira and A. Agranier (2018), Origin of Light Noble Gases (He, Ne, Ar) on Earth, a Review, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19.
Amsellem E., F. Moynier, J. M.D Day, M. Moreira, I. S. Puchtel, F. Teng (2018), Stable strontium isotopic composition of OIB, MORB, komatiites and Kilauea Iki lava lake samples, Chemical Geology, 483, 595-602.
Péron* S. and M. Moreira, Onset of volatile recycling into the mantle determined by xenon anomalies, Geochemical Perspective letters, 9, 21-25, 2018
Moreira M., J. Escartin, L. Scelin, L. Ruzié-Hamilton, P. Nomikou, C. Mével, M. Andreani, New insights of the plumbing system of Santorini using helium and carbon isotopes, Geochemical Perspective letters, p.46-50. 10. 2019.
Chavrit$ D., M. Moreira, D. Fike and F. Moynier, Unusual neon isotopic composition in Neoproterozoïc sedimentary rocks: fluorine bearing mineral contribution or trace of an impact event?, Chemical Geology, 520, 52-59 , 2019
Péron* S., M. Moreira, M. D. Kurz, J. Curtice, J. S. Blusztajn, B. Putlitz, V. D. Wanless, M. R. Jones, S. A. Soule, E. Mittelstaedt, Noble gas systematics in new popping rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (14 ºN), Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 519, 70-82, 2019
Avice$, G. and M. Moreira, Tracking nucleosynthetic heterogeneities in the Solar System with Xe isotopes, The Astrophysical Journal, 889:68 (7pp), 2020
E. Muller, E.C. Gaucher, C. Durlet, J.S. Moquet, M. Moreira, V. Rouchon, P. Louvat, G. Bardoux, S. Noirez, C. Bougeault, E. Vennin, E. Gérard, M. Chavez, A. Virgone, M. Ader,The origin of continental carbonates in Andean salars: A multi-tracer geochemical approach in Laguna Pastos Grandes (Bolivia), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 279, 220-237,2020
Paquet* M., C. Hamelin, M. Moreira and M. Cannat, The isotopic (He, Ne, Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb) signature in the Indian Mantle over 8.8 Ma, Chemical Geology, 550, 119741, 2020.
Feuillet N. el al., Birth of a large volcanic edifice through lithosphere-scale dyking offshore Mayotte (Indian Ocean), sous presse à Nature geosciences, décembre 2020
Gaillard F., F. Bernadou, M. Roskosz, M. Ali Bouhifd, Y. Marrocchi, G. Iacono-Marziano, M. Moreira, B. Scaillet, G Rogerie, The Earth’s volatile reservoirs formed by Magma Ocean degassing, sous presse à EPSL, Juillet 2021
M. Liuzzo, A. Di Muro, A. Rizzo, A. Caracausi, F. Grassa, N. Fournier, B. Shafik, G. Boudoire, M. Coltorti, M. Moreira, F. Italiano, Gas geochemistry at Grande Comore and Mayotte volcanic islands (Comoros Archipelago), Indian Ocean, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2021GC009870. , 2021